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Voyage of the Moonstone

by Joe Dever and Trevor Newton (illustrator)

< The Curse of Naar | Books | The Buccaneers of Shadaki >

The Moonstone is a legendary artefact that was created by the god-like Shianti. It contains the might of all their magic and wisdom, the sum of their divine knowledge. Lone Wolf—Supreme Master of the Kai—has succeeded in retrieving it from the clutches of Naar, the King of the Darkness. Now the Moonstone must be returned to its creators who are exiled upon the remote Isle of Lorn in Southern Magnamund. Someone must take the fabled artefact to the Shianti and Lone Wolf has chosen you, the most promising warrior among the ranks of the New Order Kai, to carry out this vital mission. Armed with the special weapons and skills of a New Order Grand Master, you embark upon a secret voyage to the distant Isle of Lorn. However, your mission quickly becomes a life-and-death struggle when you encounter intrigue and deadly danger en route.

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book revised 2018-02-15

full-featured, multi-page edition

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simplified, single-page edition with illustrations

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single-page edition without illustrations

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Player Aids

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js action charts
Web app by Eric Zollman

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Android app by Tomas Oplatek

Google Play Store

rnt simulator
Random Number Table simulator by Jonathan Blake

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screen reader crt
Combat Results Table designed to be used with screen readers

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Collector's Edition (note: this edition is out of print and supplies are limited)


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