The Masters of Darkness
< The Prisoners of Time | Books | The Plague Lords of Ruel >
The moment you draw the dagger from your belt, a blue flame courses the length of its twisted blade and the squealing flood of Crypt Spawn soar upward towards the roof in order to avoid you. They and their creator, Darklord Kraagenskûl, recognize the power you wield and both are in awe and terror of it. Freed from the threat of his loathsome summonations, you now advance upon Kraagenskûl with the dagger before you. He screams in anger and lunges at your head, his sword ablaze with tongues of black fire. You catch the blow on the tip of the dagger and both blades spark furiously as their terrible powers collide. . . .
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book revised 2024-11-16
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- full-featured, multi-page edition
- simple
- simplified, single-page edition with illustrations
- simpler
- single-page edition without illustrations
eBook Editions
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- mobi
- compatible with Kindle and others devices
- fictionbook
- compatible with some devices
- pdb
- compatible with PalmOS and some other devices
- bbeb
- compatible with some older Sony devices
Book Information
- paths
- graph detailing all possible paths through the book
- bibliography
- list of the various editions and printings of The Masters of Darkness
- errata
- known problems and errors that are in various stages of being fixed — if you see anything new, don't hesitate to let us know
Player Aids
For support, please contact the developers of these applications and resources directly.
- js action charts
- Web app by Eric Zollman
- java action chart
- Cross-platform Java app for Windows, Mac, Linux, and others by Timothy Pederick
- lone wolf saga
- Android app by GDV Games and Software
- rnt simulator
- Random Number Table simulator by Jonathan Blake
- seventh sense
- Cross-platform desktop app for Windows, Mac, and Linux by David Olsen
- screen reader crt
- Combat Results Table designed to be used with screen readers
- hardcover
- Collector's Edition (note: this edition is out of print and supplies are limited)
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