Project Aon

12: The Masters of Darkness

Pending (Not Errata)

(er)Map:Anskaven -> Anskavern
(er)Many:on to -> onto (REJECTED: 26 [then on to]; 263 [opens on to]; 331 [hold on to]; 58 [latch on to])
(FIXED: 112 [climb onto]; 58, 91, 194 [yourself onto]; 309 [himself onto]; 8 [scrambled onto]; 51 [screaming onto]; 73 [collapse onto]; 128, 221 [clamber(s) onto]; 161 [back onto]; 333 [climbing onto]; 346 [pours onto])
(er)The Story So Far, 166, 320:freelands -> Freelands [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)The Story So Far:Adamas's -> Adamas' [cf. Corrections made in Book 23]
(er)The Game Rules:ENDURANCE points fall to zero -> ENDURANCE points fall to zero or below
(er)Disciplines:[CL: add "The fact that you are skilled with three Weapons does not mean that you begin the adventure carrying any of them. However, you will have opportunities to acquire Weapons during your adventure. For every Lone Wolf book that you complete in the Magnakai series, you may add an additional Weapon to your list."]
(er)Disciplines:add only 2 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. -> add only 2 extra points to your COMBAT SKILL. (Psi-surge and Mindblast cannot be used simultaneously.)
(er)Equipment:bow -> Bow [so: x9]
(er)Equipment:combat, therefore it is strongly -> combat; therefore it is strongly [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)Equipment:arrow -> Arrow [so: x7]
(er)Equipment:Weaponmastery with a -> Weaponmastery with
(er)Rules for Combat:This process of combat continues until ENDURANCE points of either the enemy or Lone Wolf are reduced to zero, ... If the enemy is dead, Lone Wolf proceeds but with his ENDURANCE points reduced. -> This process of combat continues until the ENDURANCE points of either the enemy or Lone Wolf are reduced to zero or below, ... If the enemy is dead, Lone Wolf proceeds but with his ENDURANCE points possibly reduced.
(er)Rules for Combat:at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead. -> at which point that combatant is declared dead.
(er)Improved Disciplines:Primates with this skill have...and are able -> Primates with this skill will have...and be able [To match Book 8] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)kaiwisdm:god -> God
(er)2:its shoulder, then it -> its shoulder; then it [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)5, 245:this weapon -> this Weapon
(er)5:Weapons list -> Weapons List [so: as per Action Chart]
(er)5, 12, 25, 49 [x3], 77, 82, 99, 105, 119, 163, 176, 185 [x2], 186, 187, 193, 211, 212, 236, 238 [x2], 245, 259, 276, 287, 310, 313, 324, 336:arrow -> Arrow
(er)5, 12, 18, 25, 48, 77, 99, 100, 113 [x2], 118 [x2], 119, 135, 146 [x2], 163, 176, 186 [x2], 193, 236, 238, 240, 245, 264, 287, 307, 309, 315, 327, 336, 347:bow -> Bow
(er)5, 39, 148, 188, 213:Drakkar officer -> Drakkarim officer [PAMoS]
(er)5:Drakkar Marine Officer -> Drakkarim Marine Officer [PAMoS]
(er)6:Sommerswerd had betrayed -> Sommerswerd has betrayed [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)7, 100, 224:Drakkar Marine -> Drakkarim Marine [PAMoS]
(er)7 [Cap]:Drakkar Marine -> Drakkar marine [PAMoS]
(er)12, 35, 41, 262, 330:main mast -> mainmast
(er)16 , 58, 194:Drakkar sailor -> Drakkarim sailor [PAMoS]
(er)16, 58, 194:Drakkar sailor -> Drakkarim Sailor [PAMoS]
(er)24, 339:north-by-north west -> north by northwest
(er)35:[so: Are the Xargath's stats correct, or should they be 10/100?]
[tp: Yikes! Yeah, I'd say 10/100 is the most plausible correction. Its stats are 32/100 in the other section where you can fight it; the massive change in CS here can be attributed to the fact that you're sitting just behind its head which is stuck in the deck, instead of standing on the deck in front of it. (Also to the Sommerswerd and its mystical hard-fight-attracting powers.) One might argue that it takes less EP loss to slay the beast when you're attacking its head so directly, but seriously, 10 points? If that were the case, why even have an option to evade combat? The average Lone Wolf could sneeze and kill an enemy with 10/10 stats at this stage; a one-book, worst-stats, awful-choice-of-Disciplines Lone Wolf would overmatch it quite handily.]
[jb: Probably, but I think we need to be very careful in adjusting combat stats. If we do change them, we should footnote the fact that we did and give our reasons why so the reader can decide whether to trust us or not.]
(er)42, 74:boomsails -> boom-sails
(er)46:approaching Liganim -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)51, 68:bosun -> bo'sun
(er)60:have a bow -> have a Bow
(er)64:Drakkar rider -> Drakkarim rider [PAMoS]
(er)70:the Liganim passes -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)73:a rival Liganim -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)76:none of the Drakkarim appears -> none...appear [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
[tp: A question of construing "none" as singular or plural, though in my experience it's most often plural (i.e. I agree with LeRoy). "Not one" is the usual singular construction.]
(er)77:Drakkar leader's -> Drakkarim leader's [PAMoS]
(er)79, 146, 163, 189:Drakkar warrior -> Drakkarim warrior [PAMoS]
(er)79:animal kinship -> Anmal Kinship [PJ]
(er)94, 101:new-found -> newfound
(er)100:look deserted, then the -> look deserted; then the [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)107:bow skill -> Bow skill [so: maybe?]
[so: "bow-skill" (cf. "bow-skill" errata in Section 336 of 18dotd.]
(er)114:that it needs -> which it needs [BK: Subordinate clauses should use "which".]
(er)116:a Liganim, dressed -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)117:the western face -> the eastern face [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
[tp: Yeah, it must be. You can't be facing the eastern side of the range yet, and if there were any question of whether you might be looking at a northern or even a north-eastern face, section 137 definitely states that you are heading west through the pass.]
(er)119, 128, 232:'Shez dot got!' [This appears to be nonsense. I suggest emending it to 'Shez dok tot!' <cut him down>] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)119, 347:You shoulder your bow... [dv: not if you're coming from sect. 232] [so: Suggest maybe moving "You shoulder your Bow" to somewhere in Section 119.]
[tp: makes sense if (and only if) you come here via 309 -> 77 -> 163 -> 119 -> 347. The other paths from s.309 are:
* 309 -> 77 -> 5 -> 232 -> 347; your Bow gets destroyed in s.5!
* 309 -> 77 -> 163 -> 213 -> 232 -> 347; you already shouldered your bow in choosing to go 163 -> 213.
* 309 -> 213 -> 232 -> 347; you never readied your Bow at all.]
[bk: Seems like the best way out of this would be to change the text in section 119, but there's no obvious place to do it. Maybe something like changing "Just then the first of his troops appear at the rail" to "As you shoulder your bow, the first of his troops appear at the rail"? Changes the meaning a bit, but it does get the bow shouldered.]
[jb: I like your suggestion, Ben.]
(er)120:a Liganim armed -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)126:'Jeg tok! Tok narg gaz dik!' -> 'Jeg dok! Dok narg gaz dik!' [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
[tp: Hooray for Dusty Shelf's...Jeg = Take; Tok = to open; Dok = he (probably also object "him"); narg = is; gaz = enemy; dik = spy. That's pretty plain. "Dok" it is, both times.]
[jb: Yeah, unless we want to propose a new dialect, both should be "dok".]
(er)128:Drakkar leader -> Drakkarim leader [PAMoS]
(er)131:arrows -> Arrows
(er)134:Darkland's -> Darklands' [bk: The name of the region is the Darklands.]
(er)145:instead of 6). -> instead of 6. [tp: Or perhaps place a matching parenthesis before "You will be..."]
[so: Better to remove the parenthesis after "Random Number Table", which seems to have been the original intent.]
(er)148:'Sez dot got -> 'Shez dok tot [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)150:their pain, not their bodies, that feed -> their pain, not their bodies, that feeds
(er)150:ice-cold -> ice cold
[so: In this context ("...runs ice cold through your veins..."), "ice-cold" appears in 12:150 and 19:120; "ice cold" appears in 14:54; 18:7, 19:190, and 20:276. I think the unhyphenated form is correct here (see "Compound Modifiers" in <>).]
[JDu: Agreed it should be "ice cold" (no hyphen).]
[bk: Yeah, there's nothing else "ice" could modify, so I don't see what the hyphen would accomplish.]
(er)153:much-needed -> much needed [IK: as per PAMoS]
(er)154:Drakkar armour -> Drakkarim armour [PAMoS]
(er)154:This particular Liganim -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)154:This particular Liganim -> This particular Liga [PAMoS]
[BK: I know we agreed that plural forms (Liganim, Drakkarim) were acceptable as adjectives, but it's definitely a singular noun here.]
(er)157, 174:zig-zags -> zigzags
(er)160, 189, 320, 348:imposter -> impostor
(er)160 [x3]:the Liganim slows and makes a sign in the air with his warty hand -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)160:Liganim's -> Ligan's [PAMoS]
(er)166:god -> God
(er)169:Shadaegina gag! -> Shada egina gag! [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007: Maybe? This still doesn't make any sense to me though]
[Jan C: Shadaegina gag! -> Shad egina gag! (maybe it means: "Soldiers will drink the sea!", or "The sea will swallow them!")
[JB: Hmm. Good catch. I believe that "shadaegina" should be translated as "sailors" or "marines" (i.e. sea-soldiers). Perhaps the whole phrase should be "Gaz muzar ok ruzzar! Shadaegina gaj!" which translates to "I destroy the enemy ship. The marines die." ]
[LOT: I will play devil's advocate and argue that the phrase could stand as is. 'gag' literally translates to 'drink'. And if 'shadaegina' means 'sailors' (Jonathan's reasoning seems sound to me), then we have the phrase "(The) Sailors drink!", where the word 'drink' is a verb. This could well be a colloquial Giak phrase for drowning, especially given the context.]
[tp: Interpretations:
* Shada egina gag = soldiers sea drink = The soldiers [will] drink the sea! (Jan's)
* Shada-egina gaj = soldiers-sea die = The marines [will] die! (Jon's)
* Shada-egina gag = soldiers-sea drink = The marines [will] drink [a figure of speech for "drown"] (Lawrence's)
I've used a hyphen above to be neutral on this question: if it is a compound meaning "sea-soldiers" or "marines", should it really be "shadaegina"? That uses the plural suffix -a as an infix between two halves of a compound. Of course -a wouldn't work so well as a suffix (*shadeginaa), so maybe it's exactly as JD intended it. But the "ae" juxtaposition just seems awkward to me, so I'm actually going to say I like Jan's interpretation best -- even though I wholly agree that "sea-soldiers" is a reasonable phrase for "marines" or "sailors".]
[jb: I agree that the most natural interpretation follows from simply adding a space between "shada" and "egina". The most parsimonious explanation for this phrase is a simple typo in the book, and it seems natural enough to say that his enemies will drink the sea.]
(er)183:throughly -> thoroughly
(er)184, 320:the name of the Liganim whose identity you -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)184:Ak nart gug?' -> 'Stak nart gug?' [jc: 'Ak' means red, 'stak' means orange, 'gug' means blue. The humanoid warrior is blue-skinned, and the reptilian warrior orange-skinned.]
[jb: Agreed, although maybe Giaks have poor red-orange discrimination? :) ]
(er)185:limb wavers, then, hesitantly, -> limb wavers; then, hesitantly, [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)187, 324:quiver -> Quiver
(er)209:...before he has a chance to fire a third arrow. [dv: I'm not sure but I think the archer shoots his first arrow at s. 334 then going through 53/321 you get to 209 - so it should be a second arrow. Or, just to be safe, it could be changed to 'next' arrow.] [so: The problem is that 334->321->209 the archer only fires one arrow, but 334->53->209 he fires two. Best solution is to change "...a third arrow..." -> "...another arrow...".]
(er)213:Drakkar Marines Officer -> Drakkarim Marine Officer [PAMoS]
(er)214:the the -> the
(er)214:vapourized -> vapourised [so: or, vaporized]
(er)216:the corpse-like Darklord Kraagenskûl, rises -> the corpse-like Darklord Kraagenskûl rises [bk]
(er)222:Drakkar dagger -> Drakkarim dagger [PAMoS]
(er)223:Drakkar warriors -> Drakkarim warriors [PAMoS]
(er)224, 290:Drakkar marine -> Drakkarim marine [PAMoS]
(er)226:The black tendril retreats... [mh: I'm wondering if there's some text missing. The paragraph leading here (315) only said that something was rising, and asked if you wanted to get reading. Then in this paragraph the text assumes that the reader has already encountered the blak tendril. Compare with 103, another choice from 315: in that case the tendril is introduced at the start of 103. I don't have the book to check, but there seems to be something amiss here.]
[jc: "The black tendril retreats--it is as if the creature can sense that you pose a threat to its safety--until it is hovering directly above the abyss. You step forward, intending to hasten it on its way, when suddenly" -> "You step forward, ready for combat, when suddenly" In sections 303 and 315, which forego this section, there isn't mention about black tendril.]
[jb: OK, this is pretty radical but how about tacking on some text borrowed from 103 and modified to suit this section? For example, add:
"With bated breath, you wait for the creature to appear, fearful yet confident that your skill will put paid to the hostile intentions of this malodorous cave-dweller.
"The tip of a thin, snaky limb rises from the abyss and glides slowly across the ground towards your legs. Its skin is smooth and dark, like black velvet, and it moves with alarming speed.
"Suddenly the black tendril retreats..."]
(er)227:... without being seen by either the guards in the watchtower, or the two on the wall. [mrbtw: I believe that comma before "or" should go. (Otherwise, I reach the comma and think that part of the sentence was supposed to read "... by either guard in the watchtower...")]
[tp: While I don't really have much trouble with the sentence with the comma, I also have no issues with it without the comma.]
[jb: The comma really shouldn't be there.]
(er)229:gods -> Gods
(er)231:three Drakkar -> three Drakkarim [plural form] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)241:weather: fog. A -> weather: fog, a [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)241:kuri-storm -> Kuri-storm [Kuri Sea?]
(er)246:You drag the dead Liganim into the shadows and check his pockets -> Ligan [PAMoS]
(er)247:Magician's Guild -> Magicians' Guild
(er)253:melee -> mêlée
(er)254:Darkland's -> Darklands'
(er)255:eyes meet, then simultaneously -> eyes meet; then simultaneously [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)256:a-port -> a'port
(er)257:have reached the Kai rank of Archmaster or more -> have reached the Kai rank of Archmaster or more
(er)259:Drakkar Gunner -> Drakkarim Gunner [PAMoS]
(er)260, 328:drawbolt -> bolt
(er)260:breath safely -> breathe safely
(er)260:Giak crew allocate cabins -> The Giak crew allocates cabins [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
[bk: Perhaps "Giak crew members allocate cabins"? Adding "the" would change the sentence to imply that the entire crew is Giak.]
[jb: I think if we make it "The Giak crew members allocate cabins at random" then it could cover either sense.]
(er)282:swordbelt -> sword belt
(er)284:[dv: cheating, at dawn -> cheating at dawn (superfluous comma) (alternatively, maybe there's a missing comma before "...who was caught cheating...").]
[jb: Agreed.]
(er)300:north-western -> northwestern
(er)304:Drakkar voice -> Drakkarim voice [PAMoS]
(er)307:eyes open, so, using -> eyes open; so, using [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)310, 317:[so: Put items in list in Initial Caps rather than ALL CAPS.]
(er)328:basic Kai skill of mind over matter. -> basic Kai skill of Mind Over Matter. [jc]
(er)336:Drakkar horseman -> Drakkarim horseman [PAMoS]
(er)348:The Liganim draws level with your hiding place then halts. -> The Ligan draws level with your hiding place [and] then halts. [PAMoS]
(er)348:Liganim -> Ligan [x2] [PAMoS]
(er)Illustration Captions:Add periods to the end of each caption
(er)Combat Rules Summary:This is when ENDURANCE points of either character fall to 0. -> This is when ENDURANCE points of either character falls to 0 or below.
(er)Combat Rules Summary:Kai Disciplines -> Magnakai Disciplines

Fixed (Not Errata)
(ne)The Story So Far:The other Darklords, fourteen an number, united behind their new leader -> The other Darklords, fourteen in number, united behind their new leader [Matthew Harper: Don't have the book, so I'm guessing that's right.]
(ne)The Story So Far:sent the Lorestones tumbling Into -> sent the Lorestones tumbling into [tp: OCR error, presumably]
(ne)The Story So Far:Due in part your -> Due in part to your
(ft)Equipment:[jc: How is the Lantern lighted?] [so: Added: The Lantern is designed to be self-lighting. You will not need a Tinderbox or any other means of creating a flame to light it.]
(ne)Improved Disciplines:is not be able -> is not able [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)Improved Disciplines:Tutelaries lose only 2 points from your COMBAT SKILL -> Tutelaries lose only 2 points from their COMBAT SKILL [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)8:feet aid -> feet and [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)20, 28, 47, 58, 74, 84, 91, 100, 101, 110, 125, 129, 151, 169, 180, 181, 194, 204, 209, 217, 219, 229, 241, 256, 274, 277, 296, 305, 309, 325, 330, 334:Intrepid [itals]
(ne)53:first blows your enemies -> first blows of your enemies [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)59:If you total is -> If your total is [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)60:with draws -> withdraws [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ft)75:[Newletter #12: Although the Sommerswerd has been drawn and used within the Darklands, you were able to use it to destroy Kraagenskûl before he could make use of the communicator to inform Gnaag of your presence. The port of Argazad is on the fringe of the Darklands and, because of its remote location, your unsheathing of the Sommerswerd did not directly alert Gnaag in Helgedad. The Sommerswerd combat with Kraagenskûl was true to Rimoah's warning ([Section] 282); it did alert him to your presence and betrayed your true identity.]
(ft)75:[jc: If you do not possess another magical weapon (i.e. Magic Spear, Dagger of Vashna, Jewelled Mace), you are not able to inflict any damage to Kraagenskûl. Ignore any ENDURANCE points lost by Kraagenskûl during the first three rounds of combat.] [dd: Disagree. Only the DoV can hurt him - normal magic weapons won't do against a Darklord. [Maybe] you should get a +7 CS bonus from the DoV like in Section 171.]
[tw: IIRC there's text in the Magnamund Companion and elsewhere that the Sommerswerd is the "only" weapon capable of harming a Darklord - clearly the Darklord's own personal weapons seems to share that power as well, but not just any old magical weapon - the original poster is getting confused with the ability to injure a helghast.]
[jb: Agreed that it should only be the DoV.]
[so: "Unless you are carrying the Dagger of Vashna and choose to use it, you will be unable to inflict damage upon Darklord Kraagenskûl for the three rounds until you can retrieve the Sommerswerd. Should you choose to use the Dagger of Vashna here, remember that "you may add 7 points to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight, owing to the power of the Dagger of Vashna when used against a Darklord of Helgedad" (cf. Section 171)."]
(ft)79:Apart from the armour [jfs: What happens with your armour (if carrying one)? Can you still carry a Waistcoast (either Padded Leather or Chainmail) if you have one?]
[jb: I guess so?]
(ne)85:where he as about to host -> where he is about to host
(ne)145, footnotz:Lone Wolf [itals]
(ne)153:Its -> its [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ft)159:The Bronin Vest may be worn with a Padded Leather Waistcoat, but not with a Chainmail Waistcoat. [DED: Do we have a canonical source for this footnote? The item is described as a "vest". I've always regarded a vest as an male undergarment, worn underneath a shirt (never mind a waistcoat). That would suggest to me that there is no problem with wearing it under the Padded Leather Waistcoat or the Chainmail Waistcoat. (Bronin is special non-tarnishing alloy of copper and tin? I imagined it is beaten very thin here to form a fine 'vest'). When Dever introduced the Kagonite Chainmail in the same book, he specifically mentioned in the text that it could be worn with other garments - so it's slightly odd that no explicit note was put in the text here: it suggests he either forgot, or considered the word 'vest' to obviously imply there no problem?]
[jb: I'm not aware of any canonical source that explicitly states this. The best we have, I think, is Summer Special 1985. So it would be better to offer guidance rather than dictate. Also problematic in this regard is our current Reader's Handbook entry on Armour.]
(ft)159:[so: In the mini-adventure "Aboard the Intrepid" from Mongoose Publishing's edition of The Masters of Darkness states: "The Bronin Vest may be worn with a Padded Leather Waistcoat, but not with a Chainmail Waistcoat." Should we therefore re-re-update the footnote in TMOD Section 159 to be more explicit?]
(ne)161:looming Out -> looming out [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)166:Special hem -> Special Item [tp: OCR error, presumably]
(ne)200:the 7eacute;lite of the Drakkarim -> the élite of the Drakkarim [Matthew Harper: I know that's wrong! Confused html]Also reported by Andy Davidson (2003), <jankowskin @ asme . org> (2003), KS (2004), Sasha Cooper (2004), Simon Williams (2004), and <ethicalthief @ hotmail . com> (2004)]
(ft)220:[bk: Section 220 is unreachable. To get there, you have to be an Archmaster with Nexus, which means you have all but one discipline. However, the only route there is 150 -> 80 -> 249 -> 67 -> 121 -> 220. 249 is only reachable if you don't have Huntmastery at Archmaster level, and 67 is only reachable if you don't have Pathsmanship at Tutelary level. So to get to 220, you must be an Archmaster who has neither Huntmastery nor Pathsmanship.]
[tp: The only (simple) way I can see to make it work is to move the "longer than 4 rounds -> 121" option to 83, rather than 67. Now, that seems like it's punishing you for having advanced skills -- in 83, you avoided the ambush thanks to your advanced Pathsmanship, but now you might get an instadeath if you take too long to win -- but I think it actually kind of works. Everything is in your favour: you ignore two rounds worth of EP loss, and your opponents have a Combat Skill that's 4 lower than it is in 67. If you can't finish this fight in 4 rounds, maybe you deserve to face instadeath. ;-) Anyway, it's arguably better than risking instadeath for not being a Tutelary with Pathsmanship.]
[bk: I agree with Tim's suggestion.]
[jb: The question I ask myself is whether the cure is worse than the ailment. An unreachable section isn't so bad. Tim's proposed fix is pretty slick, but it's also a severe change to the book. Thoughts? I sympathize with the desire to have all sections reachable, and I'm sure this was an oversight by Dever, but unless we can come up with a good reason (more than just our druthers) why having every section reachable is more important than preserving the original gameplay, then I vote for just footnoting this section.]
(ft)230:[JD: should we create a footnote reminding players not to forget the +7 CS bonus of either Helshezag or the Dagger of Vashna when used against a Darklord?] [SO: Actually, cf Section 88: "The power of the weapon you wield is greatly intensified when used within the walls of Helgedad. Owing to its increased power, add 12 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight. Darklord Gnaag is immune to Mindblast (but not Psi-surge)." That may be why Joe didn't add any bonus for using DoV/Helshezag to the combat against Taktaal--he wanted to save the surprise. It is inconsistent ruling, though. The +7CS for fighting a Darklord might make more sense here than the full +12.]
[dv: As stated in the Errata, there's inconsistency in the rules: Using the Dagger of Vashna against Taktaal - should it be +7CS or +12CS? It is possible for player to avoid fighting Kraagenskul with DoV so he wouldn't even know about the +7CS bonus (while it's explicitly stated when 'acquiring' the Helshezag). So maybe it could be footnoted with "Depending on you interpretations of the rules..." or to make things consistent section 88 could be changed so it states: "The power of the weapon you wield is greatly intensified when used against the Archlord (of Helgedad/of the Darklands)." Though it would probably mean some original text has to be changed.]
[tp: Footnote: "Information revealed in a later section may have an effect on how this fight should be conducted; see the erratum for Section 88 for details. Note that this will reveal that information to you sooner than the author intended, which many readers, especially first-time readers, may prefer not to know." Then add information from Section 88 (Battle with Gnaag) to the Errata page.]
[jb: I like this option.]
(ne)240:your Backpack) When used -> your Backpack.) When used [tp]
(ne)254:as soon as It begins -> as soon as it begins [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ft)268:[TW: We should clarify how to deal with the possible (though unlikely) situation that your base ENDURANCE permanently falls below zero, but your total ENDURANCE (incl armour) does not!]
[so: It is possible that your permanent ENDURANCE score might fall to zero or below due to the Sea-scavenger's attack, but you may be wearing a piece of armour that gives you an ENDURANCE point bonus. This would leave you with a permanent ENDURANCE score of 0 with a current ENDURANCE score still above zero. If your basic ENDURANCE score is reduced to zero or below, you are dead and your adventure is over.]
(ne)274:quickly to follow -> quickly follow [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(ne)320:[dv: turn to 138 -> turn to 138. (missing period).]
[jb: Agreed, of course. :) ]
(ne)Errata:Remove superfluous 'Section' before each section number on the list.
(ne)Errata:Drakkar assassin -> Drakkarim assassin [PAMoS]
(ne)Footnotes (Section 145):Link to CD Section 129?
(ne)Footnotes (Section 187):quiver -> Quiver
(ne)Footnotes (Section 187):arrows -> Arrows
(ne)Footnotes (Section 187):arrow -> Arrow

(er)The Story So Far:shock wave -> shockwave
(er)The Story So Far:[dv: Darklord attack -> Darklords' attack ?]
[jb: OK as-is.]
(er)Improved Disciplines:is not able -> will not be able [To match the correct wording in Book 8] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)Magnakai Wisdom:a wise choice enables any player to complete the quest -> a wise choice enables all players to complete the quest [to agree with the plural 'their' in the following clause] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)8:is futile, so you -> is futile; so you [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)15, 289:Nadziranim temple guard -> Nadziran temple guard (cf. 18dotd Section 164 Errata)
(er)26:prove fatal, so hurriedly -> prove fatal; so hurriedly [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)40, 179:Nadziranim power crystal -> Nadziran power crystal (cf. 18dotd Section 164 Errata)
(er)57, 75, 128, 192, 214, 247:sun-sword -> Sun-sword
(ft)102, 114:[jc: Should Jewelled Mace grant here +5 CS bonus? (also in sect. 114)]
[so: "It is unclear whether a Jewelled Mace should add 5 to your COMBAT SKILL here (cf. Shadow on the Sand Section 253)."]
[jb: What about Sommerswerd et al.? Why single out the Jewelled Mace?]
(er)154, 320:Nadziranim sorcerers -> Nadziran sorcerers (cf. 18dotd Section 164 Errata)
(er)180:topsails -> top-sails
(er)226, 276:Unless you possess the Magnakai Discipline of Nexus and have reached the Kai rank of Archmaster -> Unless you have reached the Magnakai rank of Archmaster [BK: It's impossible to reach this section without possessing Nexus, and Archmaster is a Magnakai rank.]
[jb: Note that these can't be reached without Nexus because they can only be reached from Section 315 which in turn can only be reached from 303 if you have completed the Lore-circles of Spirit. However, I'm not sure that it hurts anything to leave the note about Nexus here. At the very least, it makes clear what Discipline is helping you. At worst, people like us who scour the books will notice. I don't think the average reader would notice let alone bothered because they would need to know that they can only get here through a specific sequence of sections: not something most readers realize. And I don't think we've been changing Kai -> Magnakai in these situations (have we?) because Kai is a generic term applying to everything related to the Kai Lords.]
(er)271:to continue, so you -> to continue; so you [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)287:growing louder, so you -> growing louder; so you [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)326:Nadziranim laboratories -> Nadziran laboratories (cf. 18dotd Section 164 Errata)
(er)338:the stairs, then you -> the stairs; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)Many:Drakkarim [adj.] -> Drakkar [JB: both forms are valid when used as an adjective ]
(er)4:Drakkarim marine -> Drakkar marine [singular] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)4:Drakkarim Marine -> Drakkar Marine [singular] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)239:Drakkarim Gunner -> Drakkar Gunner [singular] [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)302:Drakkarim crew -> Drakkar crew [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
