Project Aon

The Caverns of Kalte

by Joe Dever and Gary Chalk (illustrator)

< Fire on the Water | Books | The Chasm of Doom >

You are Lone Wolf—last of the Kai Lords. You have defeated the Darklords and saved your land from their devastation. But Vonotar the Traitor has escaped to the frozen wastes of Kalte and now rules over the Ice Barbarians. Your people demand that Vonotar be made to pay for his treachery. So great is the outcry that the King is obliged to promise that the evil traitor will be brought back to Holmgard, and made to stand trial for his crimes. For you, Lone Wolf, the King's promise is the start of a quest that will pit you against a hated foe, deep within the dangerous Caverns of Kalte.

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book revised 2018-02-15

full-featured, multi-page edition

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simplified, single-page edition with illustrations

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single-page edition without illustrations

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Player Aids

For support, please contact the developers of these applications and resources directly.

js action charts
Web app by Eric Zollman

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java action chart
Cross-platform Java app for Windows, Mac, Linux, and others by Timothy Pederick

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lone wolf ds
Nintendo DS app by Frederic Calendini

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lone wolf saga
Android app by GDV Games and Software

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rnt simulator
Random Number Table simulator by Jonathan Blake

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seventh sense
Cross-platform desktop app for Windows, Mac, and Linux by David Olsen

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screen reader crt
Combat Results Table designed to be used with screen readers

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Collector's Edition (note: this edition is out of print and supplies are limited)


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