Project Aon

Shadow on the Sand

by Joe Dever and Gary Chalk (illustrator)

< The Chasm of Doom | Books | The Kingdoms of Terror >

You are Lone Wolf—last of the Kai Lords of Sommerlund, and sole survivor of the massacre that destroyed them during a bitter war with your age-old enemies, the Darklords of Helgedad. The Zakhan of Vassagonia, the imperial ruler of this desert empire, has sent his most trusted envoy to seek a treaty of peace between your two countries, and the king has asked you to sign the treaty on behalf of your country. You wave farewell to Holmgard on this bleak midwinter's day, feeling sure you will return before the thaw. But as you watch the spires of Holmgard disappear in the falling snow, you have no inkling of the shadow that awaits you in Vassagonia.

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book revised 2018-02-15

full-featured, multi-page edition

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single-page edition without illustrations

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js action charts
Web app by Eric Zollman

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java action chart
Cross-platform Java app for Windows, Mac, Linux, and others by Timothy Pederick

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lone wolf ds
Nintendo DS app by Frederic Calendini

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lone wolf saga
Android app by GDV Games and Software

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rnt simulator
Random Number Table simulator by Jonathan Blake

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seventh sense
Cross-platform desktop app for Windows, Mac, and Linux by David Olsen

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screen reader crt
Combat Results Table designed to be used with screen readers

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Collector's Edition (note: this edition is out of print and supplies are limited)


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