Project Aon

Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book

Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book

The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book contains seven large fantasy pictures for you to colour and hang on your walls. Instructions are included to ensure the very best results.

Each superb poster shows a scene from the world of Lone Wolf in incredible detail. As you colour each one, Magnamund’s characters and creatures come to life as never before. This exciting painting book includes:

  • A scene from the famous Battle of Holmgard
  • Mischievous Noodnics trying to steal a rather large statue
  • Vile Kraan swooping down from the skies

and many other fascinating illustrations from Lone Wolf’s award-winning world.

New edition: By request, Project Aon has also made available a version of The Lone Wolf Poster Painting Book with each image on one page instead of being split across two pages. This edition of the book is available by clicking the second link below.

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