Project Aon

Dear _____

My name is name, and I am writing on behalf of Project Aon, a group of admirers of the fictional world of Magnamund, including _____ that we believe you were / your company was involved in. If this is not the case we would still appreciate a reply so that we can make note of it and refrain from disturbing you again in the future. (If you have received this message more than once by various means, please forgive us for being dogged. We just wanted to make sure to get in touch with you.)

You may be aware that Joe Dever's Lone Wolf books have gone out of print, and that the copyright to the text has reverted to the author, Joe Dever, and the copyrights for the illustrations have reverted to the various illustrators involved.

In December 1999, Mr. Dever contacted some of his long-time fans who have maintained web sites devoted to Magnamund, granting them permission to make web editions of related books available, provided it was not done for any form of commercial profit. His grant, however, was limited strictly to the text, and does not cover works by other companies done under license without their explicit permission. We are doing our best to ensure that such rare works do not become completely unavailable and have already published many of the original gamebooks, as well as Lone Wolf-based magazine adverts and articles that have graced role-playing periodicals over the years. We have also made available PDF versions of the Lone Wolf Club Newsletters, which were published between 1985 and 1996, and were originally only available to members of the Lone Wolf Club.

We are, therefore, seeking your permission _____ which will be distributed free-of-charge to appreciative fans everywhere.

We offer the promise that Project Aon will never profit financially from its availability in any way and that your permission to allow distribution of _____ will be explicitly acknowledged on the website and in any download of such material. So far, artists Rob Adams, Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Pete Lyon, Graham Round, and Brian Williams have all given their permission for us to distribute their work, as has author Ian Page. We have also contacted sculptor Roger Andrews, who is kindly going to send us photographs of his Lone Wolf statuettes.

It is our hope that this broad availability will serve to make a new generation of fans aware of the titles which we have found to be so enjoyable.

Please let us know whether or not we have your permission to include your work in this way and/or whether you can provide copies of such materials, either hard copies or scans/photographs. If you would require the materials to be returned after scanning, we would certainly respect your wishes and try to fulfil such a turnaround in as short a time as possible. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us. The volunteers of Project Aon can be reached most simply via our contact web page:

If you would rather, feel free to E-mail or write me back, and I will pass the substance of your remarks on to the remainder of the staff.

My address is . . .

On behalf of Project Aon, I thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincere regards,

insert name (on behalf of Project Aon)