Project Aon

Action Chart Pack

Project Aon's Action Chart Pack is a collection of the original artwork Action Charts and Patents of Order and Rank (the scrolls in the front of the books that say "The bearer of this scroll . . ."). This collection draws from all book series: Kai, Magnakai, Grandmaster, New Order, Grey Star, and Freeway Warrior.

These aren't included in the Project Aon editions of the books for various historical and practical reasons. If we never include these, at least you have access to them here.

< The Lone Wolf 10th Anniversary Calendar | Books | English to Giak Word List >


Illustrators: Paul Bonner, Gary Chalk, Melvyn Grant, Brian Williams

Project Aon (15th August 2005)

Revised: **25th June 2016 (rescanned and vectorised images; added Combat Heroes charts)
27th January 2010 (Brand new scans; special thanks to Daniel Strong)
6th February 2006
5th July 2006