Project Aon

17: The Deathlord Of Ixia

Pending (Not Errata)
Pending (Footnotes)

Fixed (Errata)
(er)Many:[JD: At what point does using the Sommerswerd become permissible again?]
[jb: The use of the Sommerswerd is confusing in this book. Any specific suggestions on how to make it less so?]
[so: IMHO you can use the Sommerswerd at any time unless the book tells you otherwise.]
[so: instead of footnotes should we do the following:

Edit 35 and 281 to add an option: "If you win and you used the Sommerswerd, turn to 173."
Alter the other option to read, If you win the fight without using the Sommerswerd, turn to 293."

Edit 96 and 287 to add the following option: "If you win this combat and you used the Sommerswerd, turn to 238."

That would mean we only need footnotes in 23, 239, and 242 (Ixian Undead); and 50 (Ixian Undead)]
[jb: Those changes seem reasonable enough to me though I'd like to hear other opinions.]
(er)Many:on to -> onto (FIXED: 14, 14 (Caption), 264 [leap onto]; 128 [it onto]; 10, 204, 327 [out onto]; 18 [onto the heap]; 57, 66 [back onto]; 156 [leap...onto]; 207 [load...onto]; 277 [onto the deck]; 114 [disembark onto])
(er)The Story So Far:monastery of the Kai -> Monastery of the Kai
(er)The Story So Far:time at the Monastery -> time at the monastery
(er)The Story So Far:level of the Monastery -> level of the monastery
(er)The Story So Far [x4]:demoness -> Demoness
(er)The Game Rules:ENDURANCE points fall to zero -> ENDURANCE points fall to zero or below
(er)Grand Master Disciplines:limited immunity to flames, toxic gases, corrosive liquids. -> limited immunity to flames, toxic gases, and corrosive liquids.
(er)Grand Master Disciplines [x2]:battle wounds -> battle-wounds
(er)Disciplines:venoms and toxins -> venoms, and toxins right [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)Disciplines:battle magic -> battle-magic
(er)Disciplines [Kai-screen]:The strength and capacity of these fortresses increases -> increase [LeRoy McSwain Feb 2007]
(er)Disciplines [Telegnosis]:Duration, and the protection of his inanimate body, increases -> Duration and the protection of his inanimate body increase [LeRoy McSwain Feb 2007]
(er)Disciplines:Duration, and the protection of his inanimate body, increases -> ...increase [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007]
(er)Disciplines:Grand Huntmastery -> footnote re: meals [DED: It is only in the Equipment section that is says "If you have chosen the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery as one of your skills, you will not need to tick off a Meal when instructed to eat." I was playing last night and I didn't read this line until after I'd already chosen Grand Huntmastery, and then chosen 2 Meals for my equipment. We could add a footnote here to explain the relevance of Huntmastery to meals]
[jb: Add to main body as (er)]
(er)Equipment:your Monastery -> your monastery
(er)Equipment:a sword or an axe -> a Sword or an Axe [LM / jb]
(er)Rules for Combat:at which point the one with the zero score is declared dead. -> at which point that combatant is declared dead.
(er)Rules for Combat:This process of combat continues until ENDURANCE points of either the enemy or Lone Wolf are reduced to zero, ... If the enemy is dead, Lone Wolf proceeds but with his ENDURANCE points reduced. -> This process of combat continues until the ENDURANCE points of either the enemy or Lone Wolf are reduced to zero or below, ... If the enemy is dead, Lone Wolf proceeds but with his ENDURANCE points possibly reduced.
(er)1:Lord Rimoah, then you -> Lord Rimoah; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)15:hand-hold -> handhold
(er)22:King's greeting, then you -> King's greeting; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)36, 62, 279:shockwave -> shock wave
(er)42:feet first -> feet-first|
(er)46:the keyhole, then you -> the keyhole; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)53, 142, 230, 308:[James Tan: If it hasn't been noted already, for Book 17, section 308, it would make sense for Demonlord Tagazin to still be immune to all psychic attacks except for Kai Surge and Kai Blast.]
[so: Added "This being is immune to all forms of psychic attack, except Kai-surge and Kai-blast.", copied from Section 341, to these sections.]
(er)66:a-port -> a'port
(er)67, 190 [x2]:chaos-creatures -> Chaos-creatures [IK: as elsewhere in this book]
(er)68:thrashes wildly, then, amidst -> thrashes wildly; then, amidst [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(ne)69, 213, 322:[so: Can we improve this puzzle for partially-sighted readers?]
(er)74, 81:zero -> zero or below
(er)75:pre-emptive -> preemptive (see Errata for 254)
(er)83:north-western -> northwestern
(er)86:above it, then you -> above it; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)92:its feet, then it -> its feet; then it [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(ft)123:This is a Kai-blast; LW should have his EP reduced by 4 (see Improved Disciplines). [Neil McGrory Jan 2007]
(er)185:the new wave of Lavas reach -> the new wave of Lavas reaches
(er)213:which can be found within 150 miles of Xaagon-> which lie with 150 miles to the west of Xaagon [so: The answer to the first part of the puzzle should be 2, but according to the map there are 4 islands within a radius of 150 miles around Xaagon. Limiting it to islands to the west of Xaagon is the simplest way of fixing this error.]
(er)132:head first -> head-first
(er)133, 236:sea water -> seawater
(er)135:the tip; the prelude -> the tip, the prelude [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)145:their misshapen form -> their misshapen forms [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)147:south-easterly -> southeasterly
(er)147:south-westerly -> southwesterly
(er)148, 175:attained, above -> attained above
(er)168, 183:eye-sockets -> eye sockets
(er)189:your directions, then you -> your directions; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)191:pre-empted -> preempted (see Errata for 254)
(er)207:busy cavern; by an -> busy cavern: by an [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)212:icy chill, then you -> icy chill; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)217:static electricity, then you -> static electricity; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(ft)234:[Neil McGrory Jan 2007: Should the use of Kai-surge here reduce LW's EP?]
(er)248:my Lord -> my lord (it is lower case in the other two instances from this ref.248) [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)250:each one frozen in the action they were -> each one frozen in the action it was [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[bk: Agreed.]
(er)272:you own pace -> your own pace [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)284:the helmsman at the bow of the ship -> the helmsman at the stern of the ship (cf. ref.271 etc.) [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)287:six round -> six rounds [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)297:If you have reached the Kai rank of Sun Thane, -> If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Sun Thane, [As reported by "zagzig" here(approve sites).] [TW: My version of the fix would be: Remove the link from 297 to 273 (and of course rewrite the other choice in 297 to just "Turn to..."). (The first option zigzag proposed, although he mistyped it slightly.)]
(er)301:en masse [foreign tags] [orig. is non-itals]
(er)307:the door, then you -> the door; then you [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(er)323:If if -> If it
(er)Combat Rules Summary:This is when ENDURANCE points of either character fall to 0. -> This is when ENDURANCE points of either character falls to 0 or below.
(er)Combat Rules Summary:Pick number from Random-> Pick a number from the Random
(er)Combat Rules Summary:Turn to Combat -> Turn to the Combat
(er)Combat Rules Summary:to random number -> to the random number
(er)Combat Rules Summary:when ENDURANCE -> when the ENDURANCE
(er)Combat Rules Summary:ignored, -> ignored;

Fixed (Not Errata)
(ne)The Story So Far, 141, 152, 162, 165, 343, footnotes:[How should the link to TMC properly be encoded (i.e. with bookref tags)?]
(ft)The Game Rules:[DED: We have a footnote about the permitted special items, noting that the Korlinium Scabbard and Silver Bracers are back... but the Dagger of Vashna and Helshezag are now gone! Should we not mention this too? I know they can get destroyed in the previous book, but not if you leave them in Safekeeping. Helshezag's +5CS would be very handy if you can't use the Sommerswerd for most of this book.]
[jb: Yeah, we should probably explain the possibility of leaving them in safekeeping. The story won't unravel if the reader still has these items, but they should probably be warned that the author is going to assume that they have been destroyed.]
[tp: The footnotes as they now stand (meaning this one and the one in 14tcok) are great. If I can propose just one more point for consideration, though...The whole "you might have left Helshezag and DoV in Safekeeping" business assumes that you can just ignore the current list, so long as you "imported" them to the GM series in a previous book. This conflicts with the implied assumption in 14tcok that even if you already imported the Bracers and Scabbard, you must obey the current list and leave them in Safekeeping for now.]
(ne)Equipment:This contains six Arrows, record them on your Weapons List. -> This contains six Arrows; record them on your Weapons List. [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(ne)Improved Disciplines:Kai-surge, Psi-surge or Mindblast -> Kai-surge, Psi-surge, or Mindblast [LM]
(ne)Improved Disciplines:water, mud, lava and quicksand -> water, mud, lava, and quicksand [LM]
(ne)Improved Disciplines [Sun Lord/Telegnosis]:Time duration and degree of surface difficulty increases -> Time duration and degree of surface difficulty increase [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(ne)4:299 -> 299.
(ne)15:323 -> 323.
(ne)15:210 -> 210.
(ne)20:the ceiling there is -> the ceiling--there is [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
(ft)23:[DED: Should there not be an issue/consequence here as to whether or not you choose to use the Sommerswerd in this combat?]
[jb: I think the best we could do is footnote that you shouldn't use the Sommerswerd.]
(ne)26:267 -> 267.
(ft)35:[DED: Should there not be an issue/consequence here as to whether or not you choose to use the Sommerswerd in this combat?]
[jb: I think the best we could do is footnote that you shouldn't use the Sommerswerd.]
(ne)54:suddenly hesitate your Kai -> suddenly hesitate; your Kai [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007] [so: should be: suddenly hesitate--your Kai]
(ne)77, footnotz:Grandmasters -> Grand Masters [IK: as in the PAMoS]
(ft)77, 214:[JD: Is Ixiataaga undead? Do you get the Sommerswerd bonus when in combat against him?]
[jb: I always assumed that Ixiataaga was undead - he looks like a reanimated skeleton after all. But then when I went to add a footnote about it, I looked for a reference to back up the footnote. I never found one. This probable misconception about Ixiataaga being undead may need a footnote itself.]
[so: According to Mongoose Publishing's Lone Wolf, The Roleplaying Game ((c) 2004): "As trapped by the wave of unlife as his people, Ixiataaga has researched the lore of death and magic for ten millennia." This indicates that Deathlord Ixiataaga is indeed undead, so remember that you inflict double ENDURANCE point losses against him.]
(ne)96:short-lived they quickly -> short-lived; they quickly [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007] [so: should be: short-lived--they quickly]
(ne)98:237 -> 237.
(ne)100:center -> centre [ik: appears also in the list of footnotes, but I assume this list is created automagically (?)]
(ft)150:If you have ever been to the Plane of Darkness before, in a previous Lone Wolf adventure [DED: Suggested footnote: "This seemingly refers to your visit to the Demoness Shamath's domain in Book 17 'The Legacy of Vashna'" (IIRC the text of 17tlov does not explicitly state that you are in the Plane of Darkness, but this must be what's referred to as this is where you meet the Lavas.)]
[jb: Is there any other time LW has been to the Plane of Darkness? I don't remember another time. If not, I'd suggest "In other words, have you ever visited the domain of the Demoness Shamath?"]
(ne)286:334 -> 334.
(ne)287:32 -> 32.
(ne)287:213 -> 213.
(ft)303:"Section 98 of Dawn of the Dragons suggests that you may be able to add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL when using the Sommerswerd in the Plane of Darkness (in addition to all other combat bonuses for this Special Item)." [so: Section 303 does not contain a combat, but it is the first section where Lone Wolf is on the Plane of Darkness.]
(ne)Footnotes (Disciplines):mastery of an additional Kai weapon. ... you can choose an additional Weapon from the list to have Mastery of. -> mastery of an additional Weapon. ... you can choose an additional Weapon from the list to have mastery of.
(ne)Footnotes (Disciplines):See the Grand Master Rules section of the Rules Handbook for details.-> See the Grand Master Rules section of the Readers' Handbook for details. [and link to:]
(ne)Errata:Changed 'COMBAT SKILL' to 'ENDURANCE' according to Lone Wolf Club Newsletter 24. Replaced 'Magi-Magic' with 'Magi-magic' and 'opposite and overleaf' with 'below'. [so: This should be moved from The Game Rules to Grand master Disciplines on the Errata page.]

(er)Many:Drakkarim [adj.] -> Drakkar [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007:
The Story So Far [Par 18], 140 (Drakkarim settlements);
7, 153, 176, 186, 222, 236, 258, 262, 266, 306 (Drakkarim warriors);
1, 153 [x2], 186, 236, 243, 279, 298 [x2] (Drakkarim undead);
31, 279 (Drakkarim Search Party);
34, 63, 176, 196, 222, 262, 306 (Drakkarim guards);
69 (Drakkarim in design);
152, 343 (Drakkarim patrol);
156, 207 (Drakkarim soldier)
260 (Drakkarim bodies)]
[JB: both forms are valid when used as an adjective ]
(er)The Story So Far [par. 8]:In the regions to the northeast of Magador and the Maakengorge,-> to the northwest of Magador and the Maakengorge [LeRoy McSwain Feb 2007]
[so: IMHO, 'northeast of Magador' is correct]
(er)The Story So Far:granite and gold, you -> granite and gold you
(er)The Story So Far:MS 5077, twenty-seven -> MS 5076, twenty-six [bc] [tw] [bk] [so: For consistency with Books 18-onwards]
(ft)Disciplines:Psi-surge -> hidden loyalty bonus [DED: If you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf Kai or Magnakai adventures, where you possessed the disciplines of Mindblast and/or Psi-surge, you can still benefit from these COMBAT SKILL bonuses in the Grand Master books. Mindblast and Kai-surge cannot be used simultaneously. In Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.28, Joe Dever referred to these as hidden loyalty bonuses" for players who had completed earlier books]
[SO: See the Readers' Handbook]
(ft)Disciplines:Huntmastery -> hidden loyalty bonus footnote [DED: Suggested footnote: If you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf Magnakai adventures, where you possessed the discipline of Huntmastery, you can still use this to avoid having to tick off a meal when instructed to eat in in the Grand Master books. In Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.28, Joe Dever referred to this as a hidden loyalty bonus" for players who had completed earlier books. Note that Ixia is an icy desert, so you will not be able to use your basic Kai Discipline of Hunting in this way.]
[SO: See the Readers' Handbook]
(ft)Disciplines:Hidden Loyalty Bonus for Curing -> proposed footnote: [DED: Suggested footnote: If you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf Kai or Magnakai adventures, where you possessed the disciplines of Healing and/or Curing, you can still restore 1 lost EP for each section without combat in the Grand Master books. Such bonuses are not cumulative - the point from Curing replaces the one from Healing. In Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.28, Joe Dever referred to these as hidden loyalty bonuses" for players who had completed earlier books.]
[SO: See the Readers' Handbook]
(ft)Disciplines:Weaponmastery -> new footnote for hidden loyalty bonuses [DED: Suggested footnote: If you have successfully completed previous Lone Wolf Kai or Magnakai adventures, where you possessed the disciplines of Weaponskill and/or Weaponmastery, you can still benefit from these COMBAT SKILL bonuses in the Grand Master books. Such bonuses are not cumulative - bonuses from Weaponmastery replace those for Weaponskill, and bonuses from Grand Weaponmastery replace both of these. In Lone Wolf Club Newsletter No.28, Joe Dever referred to these as "hidden loyalty bonuses" for players who had completed earlier books.]
[SO: See the Readers' Handbook]
(er)Equipment:[Does Grand Weaponmastery with Bow give +3 or +5 when picking a number from the RNT? (cf. 14TCoK Section 73)]
[JB: +3]
(er)Equipment:Bows and Arrows - If you have the Discipline of Grand Weaponmastery with a Bow, you may add 3 to any number that you pick from the Random Number Table, when using the Bow -> may add 5 to any number..." ? [DED: Not sure if this is a typo in the rules or deliberate: I thought the original "+3" bonus for arrows matched the +3CS for Magnakai weaponmastery? And when you progress to higher ranks, the bonus rises to higher values? - actually maybe not, advanced discipline for Mentora gives you an extra +2 on a fired or thrown weapon, whilst advanced discipline for Scion-Kai gives +4 CS in general - so they're not the same thing - however do we want another hidden loyalty bonus" footnote to say you can still use your Mentora Weaponmastery bonus?]
(er)Grand Master's Wisdom:a wise choice will enable any player -> a wise choice will enable all players [LeRoy McSwain, Jan 2007: to agree with 'their' in number]
(er)14:a horde of undead warriors leap -> a horde of undead warriors leaps [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[TP: Disagreed. Nouns like 'horde' are often interchangeable between singular and plural forms, depending on whether they are construed as being 'a group treated as one entity' or 'a number of...' (cf. 'some', 'lots': 'some of my friends are coming', not 'is coming').]
[tp: Wow. These comments from me must have come at a time when I was a lot more willing to commit to one side or the other of singular vs. plural issues! :-P Nowadays I say to go with whatever precedent we've established, if any. I seem to have the completely unresearched impression that we've been lately construing collective nouns like "horde" as singular (which would mean this is to be fixed). But please don't take my word for it. That said, I still stand by my opinion that construing "trio" as plural is preferable, and that "score" is definitely plural. :-)]
[jb: Reject. For reference, since it could go either way, we've been rejecting all such issues involving collective nouns unless there is a compelling reason to think the original is incorrect.]
(ft)15:[DED: I think there's scope for a Hidden Loyalty Bonus here, as improved Magnakai Huntmastery at the rank of Primate enables you to climb without ropes. Suggested footnote: "If you have completed previous Lone Wolf Magnakai adventures where you possessed the Discipline of Huntmastery and had attained the Rank of Primate (enabling climbing without the use of a Rope), you may also turn to section 323."]
[bk: It describes the walls as "mirror smooth". I tend to doubt that someone who was merely a Magnakai Primate could climb a wall like that if they had nothing to provide any friction.]
[jb: I don't think Primates would necessarily be able to climb a mirror-like surface. Do we know of an example in the books where this has happened?]
(er)26, 30:camouflage -> Camouflage
(ft)27, 38, 53, 67, 111, 137, 142, 145, 154, 210, 230, 278, 285, 308, 337, 347:[Section 98 of Dawn of the Dragons suggests that you may be able to add 4 to your COMBAT SKILL when using the Sommerswerd in the Plane of Darkness (in addition to all other combat bonuses for this Special Item).]
(er)46:power-word -> word of power
(er)50:A troop of a dozen undead warriors appear -> A troop of a dozen undead warriors appears [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[jb: Rejected]
[bk: Specific number given, so it should be plural.]
(er)53, 230:[jc: If you manage to kill Tagazin outright, you cannot obtain the Power Spike, and therefore you cannot defeat Ixiataaga. Is it possible that your Weapon improved by Dessi Stone is effective against him? [tp: I think that this is as intended. A bit cruel -- if you're a little too lucky, without the Sommerswerd's boost, then you're dead -- but intentional. I'm quite sure it's intended that your Dessi-stoned weapon is not effective against the Deathlord (though in that case, what they expected you to do to him is an interesting question!)]
(er)56, 206:a million tons of ice, snow, and shale comes rumbling -> a million tons of ice, snow, and shale come rumbling [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[bk: Ultimately, the antecedent is "a huge expanse of rock and ice" which the author just rephrases. Unless of course we think for some reason that the ice, snow, and shale are moving independently of each other :) ]
(er)60:a trio of crackling bolts come -> a trio of crackling bolts comes [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[jb: Rejected]
(er)64:The trio of ghastly creatures press -> The trio of ghastly creatures presses [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[TP: definitely disagree. 'Trio', and more especially 'score', are essentially construed as alternative ways of saying 'three' and 'twenty'. 'A trio of performers is here' could pass, but 'a score of' or 'a dozen performers is here' definitely wouldn't.]
[jb: Rejected]
(er)67 [ne], 106, 135, 137, 152, 161, 165, 196 [x2], 241, 253, 272, 297, 300 [x2], 343, Footnotes [ne]:Kai rank of -> rank of
(er)75:[jc: If you do not possess the Sommerswerd, than the weapon improved with Dessi Stone is also destroyed? This would make trouble with fighting Tagazin again in sections 45, 53, 142, 216, 230 and 308. Maybe there should be footnoted, that Dessi Stone make your weapon effective against Tagazin. For example, in section 220: With the Dessi Stone fitted into its hilt, your Weapon now inflicts double ENDURANCE point losses against an undead OR IMMORTAL opponent in combat."]
[tp: No, I'm quite sure that this, too, is as intended. It's a bit peculiar that only this one instance causes your weapon to be destroyed, out of all the cases where you CAN fight Tagazin with any old weapon -- but there's a pattern there, too; in every instance where you can fight Tagazin (without needing the Sommerswerd), he's already been hurt. Losing the Dessi-stoned weapon against Tagazin is fine, because you don't need it any more anyway -- from here on out there's no more undead to fight, only Plane of Darkness creatures, Tagazin, and Ixiataaga himself. The Dessi stone isn't meant to help against any of these, only against Ixiataaga's undead minions. And even then, you can use any old weapon to fight the undead; indeed you have to if you have the Sommerswerd, as you're forbidden to use it for much of the quest! You just don't get the Dessi stone's double-EP bonus; I figure the difference can be imagined as 'magic weapons can destroy their unlife-force' versus 'you have to completely hack them to pieces'.]
(er)114:the horde falter -> the horde falters [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[TP: Disagreed. (See S14 for details.)]
[jb: Rejected]
(ft)123:[DED: Surely it *is* pretty clear (contrary to the current footnote) that this is a Kai-Blast? Should the footnote not also mention that you should deduct -4EP? ]
[jb: I would tend to agree, but the wording of the current footnote is about as strongly worded as I feel comfortable being our official word.]
(ft)132, 264, 310:[jd: add standard Sommerswerd vs. undead footnote]
[so: Unnecessary: Banedon gives any character without the Sommerswerd a Weapon that deals double damage vs. undead.]
(er)196:a row of pillars topple -> a row of pillars topples [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[tp: This too sounds better to me as a plural (i.e. reject).]
[jb: Rejected]
(er)209:A score of undead have -> A score of undead has [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[TP: Disagree (See S64)]
[jb: Rejected]
(ft)234:[DED: Add a footnote here to remind players to deduct 1 EP for the use of Kai-surge?]
[jb: Not necessarily true, and probably footnote overkill.]
(ft)243, 336:Without weapons or equipment you have no choice but to fight this enemy unarmed. (Remember to make the appropriate adjustments to your COMBAT SKILL.) -> [LM: What are the 'appropriate adjustments'? the combat skill loss for unarmed fighting has been eliminated] [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[TP: I'd suggest footnoting this rather than outright eliminating the parentheses.]
[TW: Most players will have CS-boosting equipment and/or [Grand] Weaponmastery in the weapon they usually fight with, so this reminder is probably a good idea.]
[DED: This issue is still relevant if the player has not completed previous Magnakai adventures where they had Weaponmastery (i.e. LM's comment "the combat skill loss for unarmed fighting has been eliminated" - the bold text in "The Game Rules" section explicitly states: "Only if you have completed these previous adventures will you benefit from the appropriate bonuses in the course of the Grand Master series" - this appears to overrule the description of Kai/Magnakai Weaponmastery " COMBAT SKILL loss when fighting bare-handed" - indeed it might be worth footnoting this in the descriptions of Weaponmastery and Curing.]
[jb: I think the parenthetical should stay just for the sake of normal weapon bonuses. However, for the record, It seems that the Grand Master Disciplines section makes it clear that while you get no specific bonus to COMBAT SKILL for Weaponmastery (without having completed previous adventures), you do lose no points for fighting unarmed.
"During your distinguished rise to the rank of Kai Grand Master you have become proficient in all of the basic Kai and Magnakai Disciplines. These Disciplines have provided you with a formidable arsenal of natural abilities which have served you well in the fight against the agents and champions of Naar, King of the Darkness. A brief summary of your skills is given below.
"Proficiency with all close combat and missile weapons. Master of unarmed combat; no COMBAT SKILL loss when fighting bare-handed."
(er)243:camouflage -> Camouflage
(er)260:first line of screeching Drakkarim hurl themselves -> first line of screeching Drakkarim hurls itself [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[bk: Too many plural pronouns in this sentence ('their' and 'them') to use a singular verb.]
(er)301:The second wave of Lavas come -> The second wave of Lavas comes [LeRoy McSwain, Mar 2007]
[bk: Again, "their wings" indicates a plural action.]
(er)315:healing -> Healing
(ft)330:[DED: Should there not be a footnote here reminding the player that they must possess at least 6EP to use Kai-Surge? Also, once they use it, it should cost them 1EP.]
[jb: I don't think it's clear that that rule applies here.]
