Q: Will you port other books to DS?
A: I made this game engine with flexibility in mind. I'd love porting other books of the Lone Wolf series, so whenever I get a bit of free time, I think I'll continue adapting them. Feel free to contact me for ideas, suggestions or general feedback!

Q: Will you translate LoneWolfDS into <insert your favourite language here>?
A: No. At least not now. I released the English version, and later the Spanish version of the first book, since they were the two languages available for free on the web. Any other translated books are copyrighted and using them would violate some intellectual properties. Moreover, translating the books and the game itself requires a lot of time, and I'm not interested in maintaining 10 different versions: it's a tedious task, and I created this project on my free time for fun. :) So for now I'll stick to English for future books.

Q: How can I support this project?
A: To encourage me or just show your appreciation, you can make a donation via Paypal on this page. Thank you in advance! ;)

Q: What do I need to make this game work on my DS?
R: You'll need to have a hardware linker, which allows you to run homebrew software on your DS, or you can also try using a DS emulator. Don't forget to patch the ROM with a DLDI driver, even if most of modern linkers handle automatic DLDI patching.

Q: A linker? Is this legal?
R: Using linkers to run COMMERCIAL ROMS IS illegal of course, and I don't condone piracy in any way. Homebrew software on the DS is developed using open libraries like libnds or PAlib, under a free GNU development environment. This is the case for this project, which respects all due copyrights. If you use your linker to run pirated commercial software, it's your responsability, and I personally don't approve it!

Q: Will you release the source code as open source?
R: Not immediately, since I first want to keep things under control, and handle the release of future books myself. But in the end, once I'll consider I'm done with LoneWolfDS, I may release the source code to the public, so people can port other books, or even other gamebooks series.

Q: I'm left handed. Are you planning to make a lefty option?
R: The left-handed mode is now available since version 1.2 of "Flight From The Dark".

For further information, please read the "readme.txt" file provided with the game.